ner a one
I guess I've inherited from my mother a since of awe in nature. Specilly with that Arlene comin' thru the utter day. All is fine as frog hairs split ways when I called on Sunday. She told me about the wind and the rain how the good Lord was in control etc.
Me and maw got to talkin' and she was gettin' me caught up with all the gossip. And she was talking about a trip my cuzins were on to NC. They all went on an ole bus. My mom said, "Ain't ner a one of um brought wif 'um a jacket." Just hearing that kind of talk made me homesick. I've got to get home soon!
Ner a one- not even one, or not a single one of them.
Bubba, yer dadgum Southernisms updates're gettin' 'slow as cold molasses. :-)
Yeah, I know what the heck is wrong wif me. I done gone and treated my guests like dogs with fleas or sumptin.
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