Monday, July 11, 2005

An incenitive

Got a little bit of motivation t'day from ole ER. Dat ole boy cracks me up, but heck he's helpin' me out with some verbage. So i'd best give him some credit for this har entry that I am bout to post drectly. Now "drectly" has to do with how fast sumptin's gonna git done. And if it's real fast I'll get to it right drectly.

Of course da word can be used to indicate a compass direction. Like, I'd go drectly to the store but I gotta go by ole man Smith's place ferst and pick up an ole tractor blade. That dad burn grass has gotten so durn high I need a darn bush hog to cut it. But I'll get to the store drectly, it may just take a minute or two.

(did ya'll notice our counters are back up?) Man, that's some more insipiration to git thangs goin.=)

Thanks ER. I need a kick in the pants every wunce in awhile.


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