Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Been way out a town

Man I went a visted sum kin folks in Mississippi. Whew doggy, what a time we had. Eye jest wish I'd had a racorder to racord all thoz sayins.

I helpt put a roof (not ruf) on my ol'e granny's house. I'll tell you sumptin. A man needs a lot a grit in his craw to uhcomplish that job. Man like to wore me out. Iz Ok now though but for a day or two I surely did not know.


At 5:13 AM, Blogger Corry said...

Sorry I missed you guys to say goodbye. Please be careful and have a good time. We hope to see you when you get back. Say hi to R for me?

God's Grace.

At 5:06 AM, Blogger Corry said...

Yeahhhhhh, I am visitor no 1000! Ok, ok, what's the grand prize?? Give it to Kc, he told me to visit and take the honors haha.

God's Grace.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...


You WIN (or Kc) the excellence in reading blog. As one of the four people who actually read this blog, you have proving sincere devotion to all things SOUTHERN. Even if iz a ole foriner, uv beecum a suthern gurl. uv even got chu an aksent.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

Will bee back n town right for christmas. see ya then


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