Saturday, September 10, 2005

Story to tie ya over

Gots a big job interview this wakend. Thank thangs ahll be fine. but whilz I out I got a story for ya.

Well, this wuz this man who worked in a factory bilding thangs. He worked the graveyard shift most of times. One night when he wuz gettin' ready he was runnin' late. He had been havin' problimbs and used Gold Bond medicated powdar in certain areas if you'd know what I mean. So, this one particular night we wuz in a real big hurry to get to work and poured way too much powder on him. Well he fiddled around and got most of it taken care of.

He got to work that night as normal and wuz talking to his buddies about how his supper had not settled good. He had ate some Mexican stuff with hot halipenyos and it was not agreeing with 'em. About an ir or so he let out a big one. Folks around him were used to that sort of behavior, I mean that is what happenins when ya at the factory, but one ole guy raised his eyebrow in astonishment. He went over to the man and said, "Boy, you really do have it bad."
The man said, "Yeah, I told you. You don't believe me."
The co-worker said, "If I'd evered doubted it I don't no more cuz when you let that go I saw SMOKE comin' out your rear end and I knew you butt had to be on fire."

Hope ya'll have a good week. And tugboatcaptn I ain't forgot about your additions to "tore up". Hope to make another post on it. ER, not forgot about your request for Dr. ER. neither.


At 9:20 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

Reminds me of one I heard about a man who was working twelve hour shifts at the cotton mill.
One day he met another worker at the time clock who worked the opposite shift from him, who was wearing a shirt just like one that he had.
He asked, "Where did you get that shirt?"
The other man replied, "My wife bought it for me."
"Really? What's her name?"
"Sue Anne."
"Hey, that's MY wife's name. Where do you live?"
"1350 Pine Log Road."
"Whaddya know? That's where I live."
The other guy then said "Well I'll be! We're Husbands-in-law!!"

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

Pretty scary thought

At 3:36 AM, Blogger Erudite Redneck said...

We used to say "tide" you over, not tie you over, in the Mama-Daddy ER household. ??

At 3:51 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

I think that "Tide you over" is correct, literallarilly speaking...

Although either one works.

The purpose of language is communication, and as long as we understand each other, then it has done it's job.

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

I bolev that prolly the "d" is dropped. The word proally is "tide" but I supose it got dropped.

Course sum may prononce it "tidj" a sort of "j" and "ch" sound.

So both are proally co rect. Iz just imitatin' talk round cher.


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