Thursday, September 01, 2005

The South done got hit hard

That dad burn storm has kicked our hineys down here. Iz alright, but been w/o 'tricity since Monday. Steel not back to normal, but man have I got the stuff to tell. I tell ya'll more when I get to a more stable time. Ya'll keep the victims in ya'll's prayers. Living w/o 'tricity is nuthin' in comparison to losing family and friends.

PS I saw ya comments, tugboat, I'll get back wif ya on it. Good stuff, man!


At 8:59 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

Sorry to hear about your plight, but I'm glad that 'twernt no worse than it was.
There are a lot of people hurtin', and our prayers are with all of you.
Glad you liked my comments. I look forward to talking with you later on!

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Erudite Redneck said...

Dr. ER has a request!

She would like to the origins of the PG phrase, "eat up with the dumbass."

As in, "Ol Bubba shoulda knowed better'n to try'n steer with one knee, change the channel on his CB, take a dip of Cope and keep his coldbeer balanced on the dash all at the same time. He was just eat up with the dumbass."




At 4:14 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

Thank all yall fur yur prayears. Nearer the disaster area. Doin' clean up in community in a couple of weeks. May try to get over to MS and help 'em out if can

At 4:17 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

ER, I don't know what the particular origins of that phrase are, but I have heard variations of it all my life.

A loose definition would be (from my personal experience) "overcome by...", or "having an abundance of..." but you knew that already.


"He inherited the farm, sold it off, and now he is just eat up with money!"

"He has gone to school plum up through the 9th grade. That boy is just eat up with brains!"

"Billy Joe Bob got married last week, and I tell you what! He must really love her, 'cause that poor gal is just eat slam bang up with ugly!"

And so on. ;)


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