Monday, December 26, 2005

Scared the stew out of you

Da utter day I was talkin' to a man. He had gotten skered bout sumptin. He said it scared the stew outta 'im. Now, heck he wasn't throwin' up or nutin'. He was just shore nuff skered.

Had you ever had the stew skered outta yu?

Tell us bout it.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

Well, I done had tha daylights scared out of me, had the soup scared out of me, the snot, the sh-um...bodookus scared out of me,the stuffin', the heck, the mud, the shine, the bejeezus, and the mess...

Cain't say as I ever had the stew scared out of me.

That's a new one...

Where ya been??

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Erudite Redneck said...

Dadgum! A Pech sighting!

No stew here, either.

But I drove through a bunch of "lovebugs" durin' matin' season in southeast Texas, and my windshield looked like somebody'd slung snot through a flour sifter!

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget "scared the Hell out of me".
I'd say that "scared the stew" out of me is a sub-set of scared the shit/crap/poop out of me. Whatever material the shit/crap/poop was composed of could then be inserted for the generic substance. Thus you have a litteny of substances: beans, stew, soup, pie,etc..
Now the one that is the exact opposite of that one causes consternation however: I was scared shitless.
I wandered over here from the rednecks blog.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, onced I got so skeert I messed my britches, and come ta think of it, Ma did make a pot of stew and a mess o' turnip greens that night fer supper. So yeah, I guess you kin say I had the stew skeert outta me.

At 1:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I had the stew scared outta me many times in Alabama!


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