Monday, August 15, 2005

Been absent for a long while

I've been gone for awhile. We've been a movin'g back to the heart of Dixie. And Blogger has mess'd up my first post with a bunch of white space between the title and the first sentence. I'll have to get some ole smarty pants in here to find out what the heck is going on with the HTML. Anyway, I'll cha know when I hear sumptin.

I shuld be able to post a lot of things now that Iz back home. But somehow I ain't heard nothing to put hear. I guess Iz used to the talk around and hadn't paid no never mind to the Suthern. I mean I've visited sum of my gud ole buddie swho live out in the woods and nothing. I'll try to pick those ears up and heard sumptin to write cha'll about. If nothun' else share some ole stories I keep hearing around touwn.


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