Sunday, August 21, 2005

Slam up

Being 'round har therz lotas talk 'bout fars. Got bowth friends and family that luke after folks in fares. And t'day at church one women talked about how our bad works are gonna get slam burned up. Like sticking a fare to a roll of hay (not a bail, a roll bigger than a bail). I guess that is like that ole house fare where the hole dang thang burnt slam up.

Course I reckon when ya place a candle slam up aginst the wall it's liable to burnthe whole thang slam up exspecialy when that old oak wood ketches on fare. It'll burn like kindlin'.

Now me and my wife sayz slap dab up. We've been on a couple trips out in the cuntry where the volonteers fight them fares in the wuds. Man, I've see the a whoel tree burnt slap dab up. Nothing left but an ole smoking stick. I wanted to help one time but my buddy got plum mad when I picked up the hose and it went shooting water out so fast that the water went up in the air and I to the ground.

slam: adj= completely; sinonims: slab dab and plum


At 10:12 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

Gotta love the advertisements!!

For Rocketdog girl,
Did minimal customizing. Wife luvs the shoes.


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