Monday, August 22, 2005

Tore up

So, I was sort of convinced by a transplant from Iowa to do a post on tore up.

It seems like everything gets tore up here. First, it was the car, then the plumin', then the dang roof got tore up from the storm. After that hurricane, the roof was in bad shape but that thunder blunder really tore it up.

And in Iraq we tore up Jack with our missles and tanks and stuff.

I just hope ya'll get ya'lls thangs fixed that were tore up. Heck, I am fixin' to get some rest myself then maybe I'll worry about what's broken around here.


At 6:44 PM, Blogger Erudite Redneck said...

But then there are the matters of degree.

Tore up is one thing, tore plumb up is another -- and there there is the extreme tore plumb all to hell up.


Then there is tore down, which is whatcha call it when you partake of too much of the vine -- or distilled spirits, or I guess, for amateurs, even the juice of the cereal grains and hops. :-)


At 8:42 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

Good clarification

Now I've heard of being toed up to describe the state of affairs of your tore down. I guess it just depends on how you tear it. :)

Then there is being having been torn down by someone which means they really made fun of ya. But that may be more ghetto than redneck

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Kc said...

yo yo chill G. Wasup wifat? Ghetto be bein suthen too main!
(He says gleefully in anticipation of the worms which soon shall be dispersed from the can)

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

Ghetto is a subcategory (but not substandard before the NAACP comes by)of Southernism, so techincally...but my years at Vigor and LeFlore (two inner city schools for the outsiders) have left me with some vocab from those cultures but limited. When I was teaching there I was approached with a proposal that if i would teach them Spanish they would teach me ghetto. I think we learned equal amounts of both languages from each other. =)

At 9:25 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

ER,In NC, tore up and tore down are interchangable as terms for condition caused by over-partake-ation.
Extreme cases are described as "Tore up from the floor up" or "tore slam up" ore even tore slam-bang up".
It also works as a verb, as in "I tore up my car." or "we tore up the place." usually refering to the act of over-partaking.
It is not unusual to hear it used in several different variations in one sentence.
"We went to bobanym's and tore up the place, but we was tore down when we left, an' we tore up the car."
(I love this blog!)

At 8:56 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

I forgot to mention that "Tore back" means over-partake-ation as well. Although tore back is usually the most extreme example of inebriation.
For example, getting tore back is much worse than getting tore slam bang up.(But not much.)
Also, getting tore back is most often used when stating your goals for the weekend, and is rarely ever actually accomplished.
Most people will gat tore down, and cause a fight and get their butt tore up before they actually get tore back...


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