Saturday, September 02, 2006

Seen its better days

Hadn't had much oportunitee to speek my native languge har.

Been havin' to learn sum ole Franch. But I have notised sum Suthern in the Franch language.

Well jist d' utter day I came across sumtin I had not heerd in many moons.

In Franch dey say: "Le manteau a connu des jours meilleurs"= literaly= "The coat has known better days,"="The coat is worn out."

Very similar, I'd say "that thar coat has seen its better days, we'd better git rid of it and get us a new one."


At 5:51 AM, Blogger lilfeathers2000 said...

I love to listen to suthin' speak. Being from Oklahoma our diction is a bit different.
Have a great weekend..........

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

Thanks, and ya'll up thar r shur welcome har

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Pecheur said...

Oh, nowz I'd been told dat only pipole can "have seen thar better days."

Heck, what doo I know.

At 4:28 AM, Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

Wight jest a minute thar, Sneeky-Pete!

In heelbeely feel-o-sophy, we's supposen to take are ole coats...slice 'em up inta squeers...sews 'em up tegether-like...and make one o' dem-der coats-of-may-colors!

We's enviro-wackers from way back, you know! We's been recyclin' fer generaytions!

At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another clue Lowe's is the good one::::Katrina cottage plans.
In this era of preditory developers building massive new homes (ie SUVs) it is quite refreshing to see Lowe's promote modest single family structures.
Looking in Denver these are the kinds of homes I am looking at. To move into a brand new structure would be key, especially in Denver:::::Full insulation, no dreaded leakage leading to high heating bills. No ghosts and no history.
As with all things::::Redwhite&blue IS BAD FOR YOU!!!! Much like some Walmarts, some Lowe's stores are redwhite&blue color scheme.
Bet that Oldsmobile was the only good American auto manufacturer left and now they're gone.


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